My Council- Marina Delune-Avoiding flooding like the plague- tells me to pray and meditate, then call me in as threat to the Chief of Police.

Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 8:48 AM
Subject: Stormwater/Noise Ordinance vs State Law

Marina Delune,

Last night at the MFOIC meeting at the Belfast Free Library, I learned that you must answer my questions in regard to local ordinance vs State Law.

Your response will dictate direction of District Attorney assistance.

1. Does the City of Belfast site construction storm water draining ordinance over ride Maine State law for site construction storm water draining?

2. Does the City of Belfast ordinance for resident storm water draining by accumulating and draining to another, enhanced by the City of Belfast on 10/1/09 with heavy equipment on private property, over ride Maine State Law stating it is illegal to accumulate/puddle storm water and send to another?

3. Please provide the City of Belfast ordinances for all storm water rules.

4. Does the City of Belfast noise level ordinance provided to me at 75 dBA over ride Maine State law of 60dBA and below?

Previous responses of not knowing anything about storm water or unable to request records are unacceptable. I am requesting for this information to be reviewed and deemed acceptable by you before forwarding to me.

Please provide a reasonable time frame that I can expect these answers before I am forced to appear before the Council for such.

Please respond on your ward 1 email, not your personal email address.

Laurie Allen
Subject: Re: Stormwater/Noise Ordinance vs State Law
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 14:20:06 -0500

Laurie, I'm sorry that I am unable to personally address your concerns.
These are highly legal matters. The only information I would be able to get would be through the City Attorney and the City Planner, and you are able to do that yourself. I have forwarded on your requests and complaints to them.
Surely you must understand that I am unable to hire an independent attorney to do research on these issues. This is not the role of an elected official receiving $80 a month for their service  Our role is to set policy and to refer citizens to the proper authorities. For $80 a month, nobody expects us to get involved in matters on which we have no expertise, and the questions you are asking require that expertise.
I am under the impression that you believe that the City has conspired to withhold information in order to not have to fulfill its obligations. Despite some confusion as to where that information might be, I truly don't believe that any intentional withholding has occurred.
I wish that I was able to assist you in getting the bank of the stream re-inforced. It is very difficult for me not to be in a legal position to be of assistance, because I truly want to be helpful to you. But if the Council were to treat your case any differently than within the scope of its legal responsibilities, we would have to do so for every other drainage complaint that was brought to us for which the council also had no legal responsibility. A large percentage of residences in Belfast have water in their basements, and in the last 5 years, with the increase in rainfall due to climate change, it's only gotten worse, and will probably continue to get worse as the amount of rainfall continues to surpass historical levels. As you know, there has been extreme weather and flooding incidences throughout the country that is very, very serious. It's one of the reasons that I ride my bike and advocate for policies that reduce energy consumption because I strongly believe that greenhouse gases are responsible for the increased rainfall and consequent erosion that you are experiencing.
I know that you feel differently, and that it's causing you a great deal of frustration and anger that is really affecting your peace of mind. I truly feel badly about it. I don't want my constituents to be suffering. But Laurie, please believe me when I tell you that I am not blowing you off. There is nothing that I can legally do for you in terms of remedying your situation.
I have forwarded your requests to Jennika, and the City Attorney will respond to those requests. I will do so with any further requests that you I receive from you.

Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 5:47 PM
Subject: RE: Stormwater/Noise Ordinance vs State Law

Please Marina, you have avoided this like the plague in all aspects and have been a deterrent. All the lies, refusal to give information, with holding documents, you are not even mentioning all the water forced here by the City, on and on it goes. This makes me sick. You know this City is corrupt and are turning your head. We teach our kids to step up against the bully, and hold onlookers as guilty as the bully.  I am stuck here now and I will do my best to expose the evil ways . Many residents have contacted me that had problems and received the same treatment- nothing but torture and bullying, wearing them down. Many haven't because they don't know how to reach me... they will, they will. I have nothing to loose now, can't even go to the movies, this has consumed any joy we so desperately needed, you have no idea our past.

Depending who you are and what you are is the deciding factor. You could have made a difference. Your decision. I move on for justice.

That City Hired (certainly not biased just like the City Attorney) Engineer report from 1987 was with held also, and even with that, Planning decided to build and flood us even more. Was that supposed to intimidate me ? Disgusting.

Get that City storm water out of here and fix the roads damaged from all the water and refusal to provide City maintained drainage. That is what you can do but choose not. Vote for another 5% raise with our money. Beautiful. Some more rocks, an ice rink, chess club, whatever Council wants at the demise of our infrastructre. Bet Mike's stream doesn't have half the City draining through it. Enough.

Under the impression...I have been nothing short but screaming it, shoving it in your face and you truly don't believe it ????  How am I supposed to digest that? You think that makes me feel better?? You couldn't be more wrong.

Enjoy your bike when we are flooded and homeless.
Subject: Re: Stormwater/Noise Ordinance vs State Law
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 23:38:12 -0500

Laurie, if I thought for one moment that the City was corrupt, I would stand against it. Honestly. I know you are convinced that there are all kinds of shenanigans and machinations going on, but the truth is it would be WAY easier for us to pay to help build up the stream, etc. and we'd all prefer to do that rather than take up both our and your time and energy than make you miserable and angry. I know that you don't believe this, but it's the God's honest truth. I swear on my mother's grave.
 When we made the site visit, I heard Chris Cabot say that he thought shoring up your part of the stream could be done for just a few thousand dollars. He also said that the City had done nothing wrong. All the drainage permits were obtained, and drainage reserve holdings (can't remember the exact technical term) that are required were built.
We don't want to go through all this for a few thousand dollars any more than you do. It has already cost the City far, far more in time and the money that it has cost to do the research than it would cost to fix the problem. Unfortunately legally we can't show any preference to you, and use taxpayer's money for something that is not the City's responsibility. I know that you don't believe it, and no amount of arguing will convince you of that fact, but it is illegal for us to do so. I have no doubt that the attorney general will confirm this fact.
As for flooding and homelessness, Wayne advised you to get flood insurance, which you did. ANYONE living on a flood plain, which your property has been FOREVER, long before any development, needs to have flood insurance, and I'm surprised that you were able to get a mortgage without it. Wayne gave you extremely good advice because if there is a flood, you will be covered, and thankfully you WON'T become homeless. So at least you can have some peace of mind about that. The good advice that he gave you you called bullying. But the fact is, you needed that insurance, and someday you may be very thankful that he gave you that advice. Shoring up the stream, doing any drainage work, etc. will not change the fact that you live on a flood plain, and that floods have regularly occurred before any development ever happened. All that work could be done, but someday, historically, you probably would STILL experience a flood. And if it does, your insurance will cover it.
I sincerely don't believe that anything the City has been corrupt. Yes, there have been some mix-ups as to where information has been stored, but ultimately, every single piece of  information indicates that the stream is on private property, it was moved by a developer, the Engineer many years ago determined that it was not the city's responsibility, that the development above the stream has had drainage reservoirs put in place that comply with requirements, and that your problem has been caused by climate change along with the erosion that occurs with any and every moving body of water on earth. I could be wrong, but as near as I can understand, I don't believe that the City has done anything wrong.
I am not the deciding factor. The entire Council is very clear about this.
I am truly, truly sorry that I am unable to help you. I don't like to see anybody suffer. Trust me, when you grow up with Cerebral Palsy and a deformity, you experience major bullying, and I would not do that to anyone else. 
If I were in your position, I would meditate and pray about what I should do.  What I have experienced in life is that peace of mind is FAR, FAR more important than any problem or worry.
For a while I got all upset about the fact that my landlord had hidden the fact that there are both huge amounts of black mold and lead in the building, both of which can cause hearing loss, which has seriously affected my life. For a while I thought about suing them and absolutely despised them. But I prayed about it, and decided to just get a new place because I was being eaten alive by my anger and resentment.
Now I have a beautiful apartment, a wonderful landlord, a dining room, and a bathtub. My hearing will probably never return, but I am so much happier and have peace of mind rather than destroying myself with anger, which, for me, is far more crippling.
I wish you well.
Subject: RE: Stormwater/Noise Ordinance vs State Law
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 09:43:26 -0500

Seeing the facts, researching and educating oneself is expected in professional occupation. Please don't inundate me any further with excuses, personal beliefs and lecturing. You must stop.

Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012 12:05:11 -0500
Subject: Re: FW: 17 Seaview Terrace Belfast

This is going to be a long process before we can provide a quote. Who have you spoken with @ DEP? We will need to get a wetland delineation, have an approved plan, as well as many other things before we can provide a quotation.
I can give you a ballpark of around $40,000-$75,000 to excavate embankment, increase size of drainage swale, installation of geo-textile membrane, gravel and than heavy rip-rap, as well as wetland compensation plantings just for your section of the property. There will most likely need to be impact studies done prior to any work as well. The cost of all of the leg-work before any equipment is mobilized will be around $5,000-$10,000. Please let me know if you would like me to persue the first step, which is permitting, and all of the engineering. If so, I will send you over a formal quote and contract for that scope of... 
Below I send Marina this Brad Pitt quote- and she calls me in as a threat to the Chief of Police. No doubt now, a full back ground check and summoned into his office for a "chat".
Subject: Failure of Man
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 10:45:51 -0500


Just now on Sunday Morning, Brad Pitt spoke about his help to New Orleans. He said nothing makes him angrier than hearing that the devastation was due to an "Act of God" when it is the "Failure of Man". Deja Vu.

Looking the other way through rose colored glasses is open invitation for those who have other ways. Someone has to fight back- you are not willing to see it and that is dangerous since you are Council. It is difficult and crushing while you support evil dealings and that has happened to other residents. However, they don't have the money to fight back or the strength. You will see, I hope you will try before it blows up.


Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 8:59 AM
Subject: FW: Failure of Man

Dear Chief McFadden and Marina,

I wanted to thank the Chief for reaching out to me on 1/30/12 in regards to the email below. I want to clarify the email and put Marina at ease. I meant that it is dangerous for ME that Marina does not see or acknowledge that I feel threatened because of the verbal discrediting/slander broadcast on TV from Mike Hurley, Joe Slocum and Wayne Marshall.

I meant that I will continue to make this very public until resolution ( hence, before it blows up). I have been trying since May to handle this with dignity and honesty. At minimum, it would have been professional and ethical for the slander and discrediting against me to have been publically retracted as I requested and was denied. For the record, I will forward those communications from Mike Hurley and me. I did express concern for my safety yesterday to Chief McFadden. There are many men with anger issues against strong women. Mike Hurley had no right to place me in jeopardy.

I should have contacted the Chief of Police immediately but didn't want to cause further friction.


Laurie Allen

Sent:Thu 2/02/12 9:13 AM
In red are my responses. I can't continue with this banter. I am full steam ahead for justice. I am re-reading this and I am feeling fully threatened and vulnerable. I am sending this to Abby Curtis. Someone must know this. I need help.

Subject: Re: Failure of Man
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 16:22:06 -0500

Hi Laurie,
Thank-you for your email.
I feel a little guilty and embarrassed now about what was clearly an overreaction to your email, but I did feel threatened by the language and was truly afraid that things had escalated out off control and might end in violence.
I have been fully reassured by the Chief that there is no danger of physical harm from you, and I hope that you can have that same reassurance for yourself in regards to the Council. We have no desire to keep you from having your say. Nobody has any plans or desire to have you intimidated from having your say, and I'm quite certain that the Chief did a good job at conveying that. Marina, you felt threatened by an innicent email from me? You don't think I am threatened with all that is happening because of City Planning? Rather than Council have an honest conversation with me, Council has allowed me to be slandered, has hired police protection in meetings where I may speak, has brought in the City Attorney to support Council/City and was another sham, not giving me time to see that nothing was resolved, was asked in for conversation with the Chief of Police ( which probably gave authorization to do a back ground check on me and create a video and file), have had documents with held, hidden altogether, lied to by the City Manager and Planner that stream was natural, even though a blind man could determine it wasn't, lied to that City work has not been done on private property and then when caught lying again about when it was done, and then when caught again, lying about the reasons it was done, claiming routine maintenance when it was initiated by residents complaint therefore making the City accountable and responsible and breaking the strom water state law, therefore  Belfast can fix private property and has, so another lie, Belfast has takein a flood plain that was over 240 acres of ground absorbtion, built it up all over, and funneled  (even from across rte 1 up and down) all the strom water runoff to my yard and I'm lectured on rainfall and Act's of God, resident's have been protesting against City Planning's lying and deceving ways for a very long time and will be made public, you are naively putting me in danger but allowing public slander of me with any viewer deciding that this woman needs to be put in her place- violence against women is rampid and Belfast Council is promoting it through me.   
I have been insulted several times, quite outrageously, by Mike Hurley, as have many, many other people. It's almost a rite of passage living in Belfast, and anyone who has lived in Belfast for awhile is very aware of this. Rather than damaging your reputation, you are much more likely to have gained sympathy from the public Rite of passage- what are you thinking? Take all of this to a mediator, therapist, someone unbiased because Belfast has been conditioned that this treatments is acceptable. It is not.
He rarely apologizes. But he will often turn right around later and do something kind and helpful.
Believe it or not, after his rant, he tried to find a way that we could help you to reinforce the banks of your stream inexpensively using some kind of wire netting system. We were told that the City can not selectively help out in matters involving private property- that in matters concerning drainage if we set a precedent it could cost millions and millions of dollars to help everyone else.. But Mike did sincerely make an effort to help you, doing research as to what was out there that could do the job inexpensively. He does really care about people, he just has a very short fuse,  But once he's blown off steam, he doesn't hold on to his anger. Physically, I can assure you, he wouldn't hurt a fly, and you are in no danger. This is acceptable behavior of a City Official, year 2012 with the only public movie theatre in the area?? FOR THE FINAL TIME, THE CITY HAS HELPED MY NEIGHBORS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ILLEGALLY WITH STORM WATER NEGATIVELY AFFECTING MT PROPERTY.
Laurie, at the neighborhood site visit, I heard both Chris Cabot from the DEP and Mike Hogan say that your drainage and erosion problem was not a serious one, and that it could be adequately addressed with $2000 to $3000 worth of work. I know that you are very hard up for money, so perhaps there is little comfort in that for you. But I also I know that you feel your house is in imminent danger, but that is not the impression that I got from them at all.Why don't you hear ME, acknowledge my information on the flooding that has happened- almost taking Becky Gibbons car down the road, flooding out her yard,  flowing over the Merril's across Seaview Terrace into the Hand's, the road cracking from all the water inderneath- ponds for front yards because of flooding us and not storm water drainage, 600 feet of my property being swept away, Perhaps Mike Hogan would be willing to talk to you about that and have some helpful suggestions. I don't know how you heard this because it was not said to me and I should have been the person it was told to because it is not true. I have given you the estimate of at least 45-75k and you still come back to me with this. Please read up on Wetlands stabilization. Gordon Contracting is expert and accurate in their knowledge. Mike Hogan is not reliable or credible. I don't want to insult you. You are my representative and are you not representing me professionally or ethically. You are obligated to intercede and respond to me. I cannot understand Joe Slocum or Wayne Marshall, they lie to me and don't answer my questions. I will come to meeting after meeting until you give me direct, understandable answers to my direct questions from this email;

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