8/21/13 Planning Corruption

Anyone with concern for the push to pass ordinance for Rte 3 while all focus is on the RSU should be very concerned. Once plans are approved- the public has 30 days to appeal. Appeal what? Construction is months away, that is where they get you.
1. 38 Old Searsport Ave was purchased after Planning told the buyers that the lot in front them, allowing the water view, was not a build-able lot. Their dream underway, they took on the Abbey and renovated it to the T. It is gorgeous, craftsmanship off the charts. Then a corrupt, sneaky deal would ruin their lives. Mr. Caswell brings a plan to put a house on that un-buildable lot on a paper napkin  City Planner, Wayne Marshall gives approval and up goes the house. Wayne's rules state the public has 30 days to appeal after final site approval. Those 30 days are useless, only the first step to break the law and you. They spend $250 to file a complaint with the Zoning Board of Appeals. The board votes them down, then member Alan Wood, stating he will never forgive himself for that vote. He tells this to the owners. Can you imagine? An attorney consult assures them that this is "highly illegal" an open and shut case. Right, after 10k, the owners are footing the bill for foot dragging and lunches for their attorney and the City Attorney. A motion not even close. Behind the scenes, the personal attacks, to which I am also receiving are soul crushing.

The nightmare in their front yard. Eating away their natural rights. Mine is the entire neighborhood. For them, it ends with cutting their losses and getting away. They put their gorgeous home up for sale. Value diminished by the evil house. The evil house that ruined their dream went into foreclosure. Mr. Caswell moved to Florida.

Wayne Marshall, City Planner free to destroy anyone with support from City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Zoning and Code, Economic Development, Our Town Belfast, Chamber Of Commerce, Businesses.... and I fight them alone. How much would you pay for my home now that I have exposed the death of Seaview Terrace? Neighbors should be taking City Wall Hall down with me. I don't get it. Internet is forever- this is out there. Everyone googles first. Seaview Terrace explodes on google.

2. 5/2011-7/2011 WCGH Annex public hearing and site visit with Diane Allmyer-Beck walking down the grade, confirming that runoff would be entering the MANMADE ditch behind 5 Seaview Terrace on Midcoast Mental Health property. IT IS NOT where it is draining. It is draining into my property, and has caused severe root erosion to a HUGE tree on my side of the MANMADE ditch. See pictures of illegal path pouring into my property- combine that with what is coming down from Rte 1 and from opposing side of Seaview Terrace, murder by water. No response, no investigation Cough up $250 to file a complaint with the ZBA who will vote you down.

3.Diane also verbally confirmed and I heard her, state that plowed snow will be removed offsite, same with CASS. But the Code Enforcement Officer allows them to stock pile along with with Mid-Coast, Tall Pines,VOA Housing, National Guard, MMP, Prays Homes and countless others- all to melt in the spring to Seaview Terrace private property, flood plain flood zone- no rights of ways, no easements. Not a natural stream- City violating ordinance. Spring melt of 2009 and 2011 destroyed properties, pouring over Seaview Terrace, almost taking a car and house off its foundation. City Planner Wayne Marshall blames mother nature and must have given orders to allow snow piling that is killing us. No violations cited to my knowledge after 2 separate storms with proof, pictures, emails and a police reporting. Here is the corruption of Todd, Code Enforcer, the BPD including Chief McFadden witness to CASS and Annex violating You are invited to view laurie allen's photo album:2013-03-20 spring2013vio 
Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city. Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.

(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)

4. Planning Board meeting June or July of 2013- I can't find it on the City web. Karin Spitfire is opposing 39 ft. buildings. Wayne Marshall stating the public was made aware that flexibility would be granted to the Front Street Shipyard during public hearings- some 2 years ago. Code places a 35' height limit. The new building proposed will be 39'. Wiping out Ms. Spitfire's little view that she has left. At the planning board meeting, Ms. Spitfire opposed the 39' and stated a complaint filed with the ZBA. 38 Searsport did the same and their case was open and shut. Yet the ZBA voted them down. Forced to hire an attorney,, after they spent 10k for lunches for their attorney and the City Attorney, no where near a motion to be filed, they had to stop. So horrible. They saved me the same fate, I am forever thankful for you for reaching out to me. An attorney would have rendered me homeless. Every dollar is crucial, 2k in flood insurance was never in the cards. If only BHG Town & Country disclosed the manmade stream, or that I was even in a flood zone, no one would even know my name. I'd be living my life in privacy and safety, in a safe home. Instead, my natural rights violated at every aspect because of Planning.

5. Elizabeth Miner, Planning Board member-
ff 2:07:52 Elizabeth Miner Planning Board member states- "Not planning for infrastrcutre" @ 2:11:50 she states that Code Officer not enforcing anything! HELLO- YOU'RE FORCE FLOODING US ILLEGALLY, NOT CITING VIOLATIONS FOR SNOW REMOVAL! FLOODS KILL! Allowing a business to open bypassing CofO mandates. Member Paul Hamilton clearly agitated, motions to end meeting. Disgusting.
Volumes of Planning/City/DEP/MFOIA/ coverup/ non-compliance/law breaking can be found on www.belfastbullies.blogspot.com
Try to get proof- Wayne Marshall City Planner holds all the documents. City Council looks the other way. City Manager and City Planner wage unethical/unprofessional intimidation tactics. ZBA seals the fate. Why do residents look the other way? This can be fixed. Form Independent Committees to hold them accountable.

City Council agenda: Aug. 20

Belfast — Business
Update on the RSU 20 budget from Superintendent Carpenter
Further consideration of a request to change fees and rules or regulations for the operation of the Boathouse
Presentation on the proposed amendments to Contract Zoning Provisions: Belfast Code of Ordinances, Chapter 102, Article 10 Contract Rezoning Division #2, Office Park District, Route 3 Commercial District and Searsport Ave. Commercial District
Public hearing on the proposed amendments to Belfast Code of Ordinances, Chapter 102, Article 10 Contract Rezoning Division #2, Office Park District, Route 3 Commercial District and Searsport Ave. Commercial District
Council Discussion and possible action on the proposed amendments to Belfast Code of Ordinances, Chapter 102, Article 10 Contract Rezoning Division #2, Office Park District, Route 3 Commercial District and Searsport Ave. Commercial District
Request from the Economic Development Director to have council approved guidelines and applications for the city's Micro Enterprise Assistant Grant and business facade grant program
Request from the Economic Development Director for the city to approve a contract with CGI Communications for the production of a series of community and economic development related attraction videos
Request from the Economic Development Director for the council to authorize the creation of a Belfast Development Corporation and to begin the process of identifying its trustees
Update on the proposed Front Street Reconstruction project by the Economic Development Director
Second reading and a proposed amendment to delete Section 42-54 (B) of the Personnel Code
Discussion and possible action on supporting a grant application for Our Town Belfast to enhance the green space and area between the Washington Street Parking Lot and Front Street
Consideration of a proposal to increase the permit rates in the Planning Department
Update on the Harbor Walk
Request from the Public Works Director, Bob Richards, to accept and to award bids for winter road salt and sand
Request to go into executive session to discuss a real estate matter and an economic development matter pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A 405 6 (C)
Possible return to open session to address a real estate/economic development matter
Signing of council orders and housekeeping items

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